Numerical Algorithms Group Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinrich
Randomized Complexity of Mean Computation and the Adaption Problem
see also
Randomized Complexity of Parametric Integration and the Role of Adaption II. Sobolev Spaces
J. Complexity 82 (2024), 101823.    [preprint]
see also
Randomized Complexity of Vector-Valued Approximation
to appear in: A. Hinrichs, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer (Eds.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2022, Springer-Verlag.    [preprint]
see also
Randomized Complexity of Parametric Integration and the Role of Adaption I. Finite Dimensional Case
J. Complexity 82 (2024), 101821.    [preprint]
see also
Lower bounds for the number of random bits in Monte Carlo algorithms
In: Keller, A. (ed) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. MCQMC 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 387, pp.131-147, Springer, 2022.    [preprint]
see also
On the power of restricted Monte Carlo algorithms
2018 MATRIX Annals, Springer, 2020, pp. 45--59.    [preprint]
Complexity of stochastic integration in Sobolev classes
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 476 (2019), 177-195    [preprint]
On the complexity of computing the Lq norm
J. Complexity 49 (2018), 1-26   [preprint]
Lower complexity bounds for parametric stochastic Itô integration
Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, MCQMC 2016. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on `Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods in scientific computing', Stanford, CA, August 14-19, 2016 ( A. B. Owen, P. W. Glynn, eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 241, pp. 295-312, Berlin 2018    [preprint]
On the complexity of parametric ODEs and related problems
Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan (J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo, H. Wozniakowski, Eds.), pp. 567-595, Springer, Berlin, 2018    [preprint]
Complexity of Banach space valued and parametric stochastic Itô integration
         with Th. Daun
J. Complexity 40 (2017), 100-122    [preprint]
Complexity of parametric initial value problems for systems of ODEs
         with Th. Daun
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 135, 72-85 (May 2017), doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2015.04.008    [preprint]
Complexity of parametric integration in various smoothness classes
         with Th. Daun
J. Complexity 30, No. 6, 750-766 (2014).    [preprint]
Complexity of parametric initial value problems in Banach spaces
         with Th. Daun
J. Complexity 30, No. 4, 392-429 (2014).    [preprint]
On the randomized complexity of Banach space valued integration
         with A. Hinrichs
Studia Math. 223, 205-215 (2014).    [preprint]
Complexity of initial value problems in Banach spaces
J. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 9, 73-101 (2013).    [preprint]
Complexity of Banach space valued and parametric integration
         with Th. Daun
Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012 (J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo, G. W. Peters, I. H. Sloan, eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 65, pp. 297-316, Berlin, 2013.    [preprint]
Stochastic approximation of functions and applications
L. Plaskota, H. Wozniakowski (ed.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2010, Selected papers based on the presentations at the 9th international conference on Monte Carlo and quasi Monte Carlo methods in scientific computing, Warsaw, Poland, August 15--20, 2010, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 23, pp. 95-131, Berlin, 2012 .    [preprint]
Ultrastability of n-th minimal errors
J. Complexity 28, No. 4, 440-458 (2012) .    [preprint]
The randomized complexity of indefinite integration
         with B. Milla
J. Complexity 27, No. 3-4, 352-382 (2011) .    [preprint]
Randomized approximation of Sobolev embeddings. III.
J. Complexity 25, No. 5, 473-507 (2009).    [preprint]
Randomized approximation of Sobolev embeddings. II.
J. Complexity 25, No. 5, 455-472 (2009).    [preprint]
The randomized complexity of initial value problems
with B. Milla
Journal of Complexity 24, No. 2, 77-88 (2008)   [preprint]
Randomized approximation of Sobolev embeddings
Keller, Alexander (ed.) et al., Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2006. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 7th international conference `Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods in scientific computing', Ulm, Germany, August 14--18, 2006. Berlin: Springer. 445-459 (2008)  [preprint]
Quantum lower bounds by entropy numbers
J. Complexity 23, No. 4-6, 793-801 (2007) Abstract and paper avaibable at
Numerical analysis on a quantum computer
Lirkov, Ivan (ed.) et al., Large-scale scientific computing. 5th international conference, LSSC 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6--10, 2005. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3743, 28-39 (2006)  [preprint]
The quantum query complexity of elliptic PDE
J. Complexity 22, No. 5, 691-725 (2006)   Abstract and paper avaibable at
The randomized information complexity of elliptic PDE
J. Complexity 22, No. 2, 220--249 (2006)  [preprint]
Monte Carlo Approximation of weakly singular integral operators
J. Complexity 22, No. 2, 192--219 (2006)   [preprint]
Quantum  Complexity of Numerical Problems
Cucker, Felipe (ed.) et al., Foundations of computational mathematics: Minneapolis 2002 (FoCM 2002). Selected papers based on the plenary talks presented at FoCM 2002, Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 5--14, 2002. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 312, 76-95 (2004)   [preprint]
On the Power of Quantum Algorithms for Vector Valued Mean Computation
Paper submitted to: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Quantum Approximation I. Embeddings of Finite Dimensional L_p Spaces
Journal of Complexity 20 (2004), 5-26. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Quantum Approximation II. Sobolev Embeddings
Journal of Complexity 20 (2004) 27-45. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Quantum Boolean Summation with Repetitions in the  Worst-Average Setting 
with M. Kwas and H. Wozniakowski
In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2002 (H. Niederreiter, Ed.), pp. 243-258, Springer-Verlag, 2004. 
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How Many Random Bits Do We Need for Monte Carlo Integration?
with E. Novak and H. Pfeiffer
In: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2002 (H. Niederreiter, Ed.), pp. 27-49, Springer-Verlag, 2004. 
[ps]  [pdf] 
Quantum Integration in Sobolev Classes
Journal of Complexity 19 (2003), 19-42. Abstract and paper avaibable at
From Monte Carlo to Quantum Computation
Proceedings of the 3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods MCM2001, Salzburg, Special Issue of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Guest Eds.: K. Entacher, W. Ch. Schmid, A. Uhl) 62 (2003), 219--230.
 [ps]  [pdf] 
On a Problem in Quantum Summation
with E. Novak
Journal of Complexity 19 (2003), 1-18. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Optimal Quadrature for Haar Wavelet Spaces
with F. J. Hickernell and R.-X. Yue
Math. Comput. 73 No. 245 (2004), 259-277.
 [ps]  [pdf] 
Quantum Summation with an Application to Integration
Journal of Complexity 18 (2002), 1-50. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Optimal Summation and Integration by Deterministic, Randomized, and Quantum Algorithms
with E. Novak
 in:  K.-T. Fang, F. J. Hickernell, H. Niederreiter (Eds.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2000, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, pp. 50--62. Abstract and paper avaibable at
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods
Margenov, S. (ed.) et al., Large-scale scientific computing. 3rd international conference,
LSSC 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6-10, 2001. Revised papers. Berlin: Springer.
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2179, 58-67 (2001)  [preprint]
The inverse of the star-discrepancy depends linearly on the dimension
with E. Novak, G. W. Wasilkowski, H. Wozniakowski
Acta Arithmetica XCVI.3 (2001), 279-302  [preprint]
The multilevel method of dependent tests
Advances in Stochastic Simulation Methods (N. Balakrishnan,V.B. Melas, S. Ermakov, editors), pp. 47-62. Birkhäuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2000. [preprint]
Variance reduction by means of deterministic computation: Collision estimate 
J. Statist. Planning and Inference 85 (2000), 159-169  [preprint]
Monte Carlo complexity of parametric integration 
with E. Sindambiwe
J. Complexity 15 (1999), 317-341 [preprint]
Wavelet Monte Carlo methods for the global solution of integral equations 
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Claremont 1998 (H. Niederreiter and J. Spanier, editors), pp. 227 - 237, Springer 1999  [preprint]
Monte Carlo complexity of global solution of integral equations 
J. Complexity 14, No.2, 151-175 (1998). [preprint]
A multilevel version of the method of dependent tests 
Proceedings of the 3rd St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, S. M. Ermakov, Y. N. Kashtanov and V. B. Melas, editors, pp. 31 - 35, St. Petersburg University Press, 1998
Computing discrepancies related to spaces of smooth periodic functions 
with K. Frank
Niederreiter, Harald (ed.) et al., Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 1996. Proceedings of a conference at the University of Salzburg, Austria, July 9-12, 1996. Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Stat., Springer-Verlag. 127, 238-250 (1997).
Using the Galerkin method for variance reduction 
in: "Mathematical methods in stochastic simulation and experimental design", Proceedings of the Second St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, Publishing House of Saint Petersburg University, 1996, pp. 56 - 59
Computing discrepancies of Smolyak quadrature rules 
with K. Frank
J. Complexity 12, No.4, 287-314 (1996).
Information complexity of multivariate Fredholm integral equations in Sobolev classes 
with K. Frank and S. Pereverzev
J. Complexity 12, No.1, 17-34 (1996).
Complexity theory of Monte Carlo algorithms 
Renegar, James (ed.) et al., The mathematics of numerical analysis. 1995 AMS-SIAM summer seminar in applied mathematics, July 17 - August 11, 1995, Park City, UT, USA. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Lect. Appl. Math. 32, 405-419 (1996).
Efficient algorithms for computing the $L_2$-discrepancy 
Math. Comput. 65, No.216, 1621-1633 (1996).
Variance reduction for Monte Carlo methods by means of deterministic numerical computation. 
Monte Carlo Methods Appl. 1, No.4, 251-277 (1995).
Complexity of local solution of integral equations 
with K. Frank
Schock, Eberhard (ed.), Beiträge zur Angewandten Analysis und Informatik. Helmut Brakhage zu Ehren. Aachen: Shaker Verlag. Berichte aus der Mathematik. 55-68 (1994).
The Monte Carlo complexity of Fredholm integral equations 
with P. Mathé
Math. Comput. 60, No.201, 257-278 (1993).
Random approximation in numerical analysis 
Bierstedt, Klaus D. (ed.) et al., Functional analysis. Proceedings of the Essen Conference, held in Essen, Germany, November 24 - 30, 1991. New York, NY: Dekker. Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 150, 123-171 (1993).
Complexity of integral equations and relations to $s$-numbers 
J. Complexity 9, No.1, 141-153 (1993).
Lower bounds for the complexity of Monte Carlo function approximation 
J. Complexity 8, No.3, 277-300 (1992).
Efficiency of Monte Carlo algorithms in numerical analysis 
Budach, Lothar (ed.), Fundamentals of computation theory. 8th international conference, FCT '91, Gosen, Germany, September 9-13, 1991. Proceedings. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 529, 33-44 (1991).
Parallel information-based complexity 
with J.-D. Kern
J. Complexity 7, No.4, 339-370 (1991).
Corrections to "Probabilistic analysis of numerical methods for integral equations" 
J. Integral Equations Appl. 3, No.3, 469-472 (1991).
Probabilistic analysis of numerical methods for integral equations 
J. Integral Equations Appl. 3, No.2, 289-319 (1991).
Probabilistic complexity analysis for linear problems in bounded domains 
J. Complexity 6, No.3, 231-255 (1990).
Invertibility of random Fredholm operators
Stochastic Anal. Appl. 8, No.1, 1-59 (1990).
On the relation between linear n-widths and approximation numbers
J. Approximation Theory 58, No.3, 315-333 (1989).
s-numbers of integral operators with Hölder continuous kernels over metric compacta
with B. Carl and T. Kühn
J. Funct. Anal. 81, No.1, 54-73 (1988).
A note on elementary equivalence of C(K) spaces
with C. Henson and L. Moore jun.
J. Symb. Logic 52, 368-373 (1987).
Banach space model theory. II: Isomorphic equivalence
with C. Henson
Math. Nachr. 125, 301-317 (1986).
The uniform classification of boundedly compact locally convex spaces
Czech. Math. J. 36(111), 68-71 (1986).
Elementary equivalence of $C_\sigma(K)$ spaces for totally disconnected, compact Hausdorff K
with C. Henson and L. Moore jun.
J. Symb. Logic 51, 135-146 (1986).
On the optimal error of degenerate kernel methods
J. Integral Equations 9, No.3, 251-266 (1985).
Ultrapowers of locally convex spaces and applications II
Math. Nachr. 121, 211-229 (1985).
Embedding maps between Hölder spaces over metric compacta and eigenvalues of integral operators
with T. Kühn
Indagationes Math. 47, 47-62 (1985).
On the asymptotic behaviour of Hilbert numbers
with R. Linde
Math. Nachr. 119, 117-120 (1984).
Ultrapowers of locally convex spaces and applications I 
Math. Nachr. 118, 285-315 (1984). 
A problem in discretization theory related to the approximation property of Banach spaces 
Math. Nachr. 111, 147-152 (1983).
Elementary equivalence of $L_1$-preduals 
with C.W. Henson and L.C.jun. Moore
Banach space theory and its applications, Proc. 1st Romanian-GDR Semin., Bucharest 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 991, 79-90 (1983).
Some open problems in the nonlinear classification of Banach spaces 
with P. Mankiewicz
Banach space theory and its applications, Proc. 1st Romanian-GDR Semin., Bucharest 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 991, 91-95 (1983).
The isomorphic problem of envelopes 
Stud. Math. 73, 41-49 (1982).
Applications of ultrapowers to the uniform and Lipschitz classification of Banach spaces 
with P. Mankiewicz
Stud. Math. 73, 225-251 (1982).
Order bounded operators and tensor products of Banach lattices 
with N.J. Nielsen and G.H. Olsen
Math. Scand. 49, 99-127 (1981).
Ultraproducts of $L_1$-predual spaces 
Fundam. Math. 113, 221-234 (1981).
Finite representability and super-ideals of operators 
Diss. Math. 172, 37 P. (1980).
Closed operator ideals and interpolation 
J. Funct. Anal. 35, 397-411 (1980).
Ultraproducts in Banach space theory 
J. Reine Angew. Math. 313, 72-104 (1980).
A characterization of $(\infty,p,q)$-integral operators 
with A. Pietsch
Math. Nachr. 89, 197-202 (1979).
Finite representability of operators 
Operator algebras, ideals, and their applications in theoretical physics, Proc. int. Conf. Leipzig 1977, 33-39 (1978).
Some properties of operator spaces 
Serdica 3, 168-175 (1977).
Weak sequential completeness of Banach operator ideals 
Sib. Math. J. 17, 857-862 (1977).
Linear-topological properties of operator spaces 
Gen. Topol. Relat. mod. Anal. Algebra, Proc. 4th Prague Topol. Symp. 1976, Part B, 156-158 (1977).
Strongly exposed and conical points in the projective tensor product (Russian) 
Teor. Funkts., Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 22, 146-154 (1975).
Approximation properties in tensor products 
Math. Notes 17, 269-272 (1975). translation from Mat. Zametki 17, 459-466 (1975).
The differentiability of the norm in spaces of operators
Funct. Anal. Appl. 9, 360-362 (1975); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 9, No.4, 93-94 (1974).
The reflexivity of the Banach space L(E,F) 
Funct. Anal. Appl. 8, 186-187 (1974); translation from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 8, No.2, 97-98 (1974).