July 2013: ERMA in ATZ offhighway

Efficiency Potentials by Electrification at Mobile Machines

Electrification offers big potentials at mobile machines, as well as reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions and pollutant emissions when in operation. In the course of a holistic view energy input to granting the fuel respectively electric energy and at this emerging CO2 emissions have to be considered. Therefore were analyzed and evaluated new concepts at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau on the application example of a mobile excavator to handle with lower use of energy and lower use of resources over the lifetime of a mobile working machine.

Further Details

  • Pick, S.; Müller, S.; Bach, P.; Zenner, T.: Effizienzpotenziale durch Elektrifizierung bei mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen, in: ATZ offhighway, Sonderausgabe ATZ Juli 2013, Heft 02/2013, S. 66-77. - ISSN 1862-1791.