September 2014: ERMA in the CVC News

Research joint project »ERMA - Energie- und ressourceneffiziente mobile Arbeitsmaschinen« at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau is successfully closed! Why optimizing constantly the wrong thing instead of doing directly the right thing? How products of tomorrow become resources of over morrow describes Michael Braungart fascinating and clear in his work »cradle to cradle«. Braungarts easy credo at this is to put intelligence finally at the beginning in product engineering. The point is also to form whole lifespan of a product. According to this waste management belongs to develop and design assignment. The fact that material will be recycled doesn’t makes it automatically ecofriendly at the center of commercial vehicle technology especially not if recycling is not explicitly scheduled at fabrication. An important condition is the knowledge of all ingredients of the products, underlying technical processes and intelligent ahead planning of sustainable product systems over their whole life’s journey. These challenges were motivations for the joint project ERMA of the research group product engineering at the center of commercial vehicle technology (ZNT) at RPTU. [...]

With the between 2011 and 2014 processed project ERMA the researchers are at the beginning of the Baungarts propagandised paradigm change to more intelligent product systems. The way is the right and will be forward researched starting from summer 2014 till end of 2016 in the of the Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology (ZNT) sponsored joint project “Eco-efficient mobile machines”.

Further Details

  • Schäfer; P.: Innovativ, interdisziplinär und praxisnah … der Nachhaltigkeit ein Stückchen näher, in: Commercial Vehicle Cluster - Nutzfahrzeug GmbH (Hrsg.): "CVC News", HeftNr.1/2014, Kaiserslautern, 2014, S. 8-11.