Conferences & Workshops

The GIAGEM Team participated at the following conferences:


  • 5th/6th september 2018: FOOD 2030 Congress - Towards sustainable agri-food systems at University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart.
  • 21st/22nd june 2018: Stadterneuerung in Klein- und Mittelstädten at the RPTU
  • 7th february 2018: Symposium „Themenkarrieren in der Planungswissenschaft“ at the University of Dortmund
  • 5th/6th february 2018: 4. Dortmunder Konferenz „Die Große Transformation Herausforderung und Chance für die Raumplanung“ at the University of Dortmund



The GIAGEM Team organized the following workshops:

  • 8th/9th March 2017: 1st GIAGEM workshop in Guadalajara (Mexico), Programme
  • 19th/20th September 2017: 2nd GIAGEM workshop in Kaiserslautern (Germany) Programme
  • 14th-20th April 2018: 3rd GIAGEM workshop in Guadalajara (Mexico),Programme
  • 12th/13th September 2019: Final GIAGEM workshop and presentation in Kaiserslautern (Germany), Invitation Flyer