
The aim of PlanShrinking ist to identify paradigm shifts in planning cultures under the premise of shrinking cities. The project makes use of an embedded case study approach which will facilitate in-depth investigations of the stakeholders involved in shrinking cities - their motivations, actions, and the limits they are confronted with.

On this side we will make our results accessible and provide you with the reports, event programms, teaching curriculums and publications.

Public Access Publications


Pallagst, Karina. 2010. Shrinking cities – challenges for planning in an international context, in PND (Planung neu denken). Heft II/2010.


Pallagst, Karina. 2013. The planner’s toolkit: can we plan for new tasks using existing processes and mechanisms?, in: Borderlands, the Journal of Spatial Planning in Ireland, No. 3, Jan. 2013, 43-53.

Gilcher, Elena. 2013. 'Changes in Planning Culture caused by Urban Shrinkage - The example of Primasens', in: PlanIt! Vol. 1/2013

Röschlau, Viktoria. 2013. 'Coherences between Shrinking and Planning Culture - The example of Youngstown, Ohio', in: PlanIt! Vol. 1/2013

Fleschurz, René and Karina Pallagst. 2013. 'Schrumpfende Städte in Deutschland und den USA - Ein Vergleich und Lernprozess', in: Unispectrum 01/2013


Fleschurz, René and Karina Pallagst. 2014. 'Shrinking Smart? Räumliche Auswirkungen der Stadtschrumpfung und neue Revitalisierungsstrategien in der Stadt Flint, USA', in: Unispectrum 03/2014

Aricles in Edited Volumes and Reviewed Journals

Pallagst, Karina, René Fleschurz, Seba Asaaied and Christina Steinhauer. (under review). Shrinking cities and planning cultures – theoretical and methodological considerations for evidence-based research; in: Planning Theory and Practice.

Pallagst, Karina. 2013. The Interdependence of Shrinking and Growing: Processes of Urban Transformation in the USA in the Rust Belt and Beyond, in: Karina Pallagst, Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Thorsten Wiechmann (Hrsg): Shrinking Cities - International Perspectives and Policy Implications, Routledge Publishers, 59-77.

Pallagst, Karina. 2012. Shrinking cities in the United States: policies and strategies, in: Martinez-Fernandez et al (eds.) Demographic Change and Local Development: Shrinkage, Regeneration and Social Dynamics. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Working Paper Series. Paris. 41-46.

Pallagst, Karina. 2010. Viewpoint. The planning research agenda: shrinking cities – a challenge for planning cultures, in: Town Planning Review 81:5, I-IV.