Author: administrator

Next meeting

Hello dear friends and interested parties,

are you already eagerly awaiting our next public meeting?
It will be at the end of April during the lecture period 🙂

Until then, have a successful exam period!

Best regards
Your ETK

Next meeting

Dear friends and interested parties,

on Thursday, 11.02. our last public meeting for this semester will take place from 17:30.
As always, the meeting room will be open a few minutes early.

You can find the link to the Zoom meeting from the banner.

See you around!
Your ETK

New board members

Dear members of VDE, members of Young Net in particular, dear friends and interested parties,

on January, 14th 2021 we held our first ordinary general meeting. Two new board members were elected and three members were re-elected.

We sincerely thank Bob Jaeger for two and a half years of intensive commitment as treasurer and Benedikt Veith for his extraordinary commitment as secretary. They will continue to support us in word and deed for some time to come. Nevertheless, we wish them all the best in their future careers.

We now welcome Fabienne Renckens as the new treasurer and Lukas Müller as the new secretary. We are looking forward to this cooperation and are convinced that they will lead their offices just as well as their predecessors.

I would also like to thank the participants of the meeting.

Many greetings

Jan Petershans
-Sprecher ETK-

Presentation of VDE Young Net

Dear friends and interested people!

VDE Young Net has its own series of presentations with many exciting topics about Electrical Engineering, as well about education as about carrer entry.

Next presentation will take place online on 29th of October at 6pm and is called
Der Dr.-Ing. – ist das mein Ding?

It is about the topic of PhD and is held in German. We don’t want to reveal to much at this point so visit the event site at Young Net and join the presentation. A registration of yours is not necessary!

Young Net and the presenter will be pleased to have you there!

We got a tree!

Dear members, friends and interested folks,

in cooperation with “CampusPlus” we donated a tree for the campus of TUK, too. It was planted today with 30 other plants!

We are pleased to be involved a little in life on campus, despite Covid-19. We hope our tree grows fast that we can harvest the fruits of our collaboration soon.

Euer ETK