Wir suchen eine studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi) für: GenAI Project is looking for talented Students in the Fields of LLMs & Knowledge Graphs
Gesucht ab: Continuously
Wochenstunden: 8-20 (flexible)
Fach- oder Organisationsbereich: Informatik
Einrichtung: DFKI
Einsatzort ortsunabhängig
Stellenbeschreibung As a student research assistant in this project, you will focus on Large Language Models (LLMs) and Knowledge Graphs while closely collaborating with an emerging GenAI startup. Your role will contribute to shaping groundbreaking AI applications.
Voraussetzungen: Basic Prerequisites (all must be fulfilled):

- Verifiable experience with Large Language Models (project / lecture / job)
- Verifiable experience in working with text data / NLP (project / lecture / job)
- Good programming skills in Python

Preferred with experience in one (or more) of the following areas:

- Knowledge Graph Construction
- RDF / Semantic Web
- Information Extraction (Text Data) / Web Crawling (Text Data)
- Large Scale Data Processing (Text Data)
- Machine Learning (Text Data) / Feature Engineering
Arbeitsumfeld: The department for 'Smart Data & Knowledge Services' at DFKI Kaiserslautern works with cutting-edge AI-technologies.

This role offers the opportunity to collaborate with leading minds in AI research. Motivated students will be given the chance to engage in pioneering LLM challenges, making a direct impact on the whole project.

We offer flexible working hours, remote work, collaboration in a team of highly-driven AI researchers, and insights into state-of-the-art Machine Learning technologies.

Please send us a one-page resume in tabular form outlining your skills, experience and achievements. If your resume is clear and expressive, an additional letter of motivation is not necessary.

We are very much looking forward to getting to know you!
Ansprechperson: M. Gänsler
E-Mail: gaensler@rhrk.uni-kl.de