Wir suchen eine studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (HiWi) für: Student assistant as tutor (m/f/o) for the bachelor course Investments and Financial Management
Gesucht ab: summer
Wochenstunden: 4
Fach- oder Organisationsbereich: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Einrichtung: Financial Management
Einsatzort Kaiserslautern
Stellenbeschreibung The Chair's focus is on financial management and capital markets
research including such topics as asset management, asset pricing,
behavioral finance, and quantitative finance.
The lecture Investment and Financial Management covers theories and
best practices related to firms’ financial and investment decisions. The
content of the course comprises the time value of money and how to use
financial information to make decisions, such as reading balance
statements and using company performance indicators to find an
adequate capital structure and estimate the cost of capital. Furthermore,
students apply concepts of capital budgeting and investment analysis to
choose among investments.
Voraussetzungen: • Successful participation in the lecture “Investments and Financial
Management / Investition und Finanzierung”
• Enthusiasm and passion for teaching
• Flexibility and reliability
• Interest in the subject and research field of the Chair
Your responsibilities:
• Self-responsible execution of tutorial lectures and Q&A sessions;
the tutorial lectures can be held in German or English
• Design and revision of teaching materials
• Organizational assistance for the lecture
Arbeitsumfeld: A pleasant working atmosphere in a committed team
• Insights into the work of the Chair and Academic teaching in
Ansprechperson: Secretary Office Mrs. Long
E-Mail: elisabeth.long@wiwi.rptu.de
Telefon: 0631-205-3267